Sunday, April 11, 2010

Twilight B%tt S%x

-->Direct rip but WAY to good to miss out on!  Don't miss out!  To Be fair, before I posted this comment, I DID read the books ... they are, in my opinion, poor.  Be that as it may, some people like cotton candy for dinner, so what ever.

Ever noticed that, Twilight sucks? A stupid book that enough half-wits have read to be made popular, that's 'Twilight', in black and white. If you disagree, then you are dumb. Enough said!

Gingers have no souls!

1. Bella is a perfect character (“Mary Sue”), which Meyer hides by calling her clumsy.
2. Being clumsy is not a flaw if Edward always catches her.
3. She can’t do anything without Edward.
4. And when he leaves she attempts to commit suicide.
5. Meyer is living out her own fantasies by writing about Bella, who is clearly herself.
6. The books aren’t well written, just because every other word is a fancy adjective doesn’t make it good writing.
7. All the rules Meyer sets for being a vampire are broken by the end of the series.
8. Not only that, she breaks rules set by more esteemed authors.
9. The world population will come to an end because all girls who read this book will think they are Bella and will wait for their Edward to come until they are old. And he’ll never come.
10. Bella almost dies fifty thousand times, but Edward always saves her. This is boring.
11. Edward is too perfect and has no flaws either. Even vampires should have flaws besides wanting to suck human blood because it’s natural to them.
12. The reason the books became so popular is because Bella has no personality and any loser can put themselves in her shoes.
13. If Bella is so ‘plain’, why do so many guys fall for her within the first ...what ... 60 seconds of meeting her?

the Twilight "saga"

Ssingle handedly setting feminism back 100 years, insulting literature, and turning 13 year old girls bat-shit insane in one convenient package!

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