Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter! Don't like it? Screw You!

Happy Easter!

OK ...
If your a Druid or a Pagan ... Happy Solstice!

If your A Christian ... Blessed Easter!

If your an Athiest ... Why aren't you at work?  You have no belief system, therefore you have no need of a day off.

For that matter, most people don't need the day off.  They don't celebrate, or respect any tradition.  So SCREW YOU!  Get back to work!  I choose to have the day off.  In fact I chose to have the entire weekend off.  I may have to go in to work in the morning and get things done in a damned big hurry, but it sure isn't happening today!  If it come that easter is no longer a holiday, then I will choose to exercise my rights to take a holiday.
It matters to me.  The Easter holiday matters to me.

Don't like it?


I have fucking had it with having to observe everyone else's holidays, but not my own.  My belief's arn't important?  Why?  Because I am White?  Have a Job? Pay Taxes?  FUCK YOU!

You intolerant fucks are why the fucking white supremacist movement is gaining strength!  You disrespect us, then get all pissy and whiny about not getting your religious beliefs respected.

Your damned right I am pissed off!

I am not some second class citizen!  I am so fucking tired of being treated like an annoyance my anyone who is not white.  Fuck you!  I mean it from my heart!  If you can't accept my beliefs, the I don't have to accept yours ... and I will disrespect you with EXTREME FUCKING PREJUDICE!

Think I am kidding?  Try me!  I am just pissed off enought these days to seriously ruin someone's life.

I've earned a little respect you lazy ass welfare addicts.

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