Sunday, April 25, 2010

I want to Rock and Roll All Night and Party Every Day!

Really ... I am tired of always working and working and working.  I choose to start having fun.  Good guys are always working hard, and never seem to get much out of it.  The bad guys are always having a good time and are never going without.  I know in my heart that the Good Guys need only to ask for help and people will help them, but I am thinking that it's time to change the picture a bit and grab what I need.

Screw'em all.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Constantly tired lately ....

I don''t know what it is, but I suspect it's the weather here ... sigh.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Twilight B%tt S%x

-->Direct rip but WAY to good to miss out on!  Don't miss out!  To Be fair, before I posted this comment, I DID read the books ... they are, in my opinion, poor.  Be that as it may, some people like cotton candy for dinner, so what ever.

Ever noticed that, Twilight sucks? A stupid book that enough half-wits have read to be made popular, that's 'Twilight', in black and white. If you disagree, then you are dumb. Enough said!

Gingers have no souls!

1. Bella is a perfect character (“Mary Sue”), which Meyer hides by calling her clumsy.
2. Being clumsy is not a flaw if Edward always catches her.
3. She can’t do anything without Edward.
4. And when he leaves she attempts to commit suicide.
5. Meyer is living out her own fantasies by writing about Bella, who is clearly herself.
6. The books aren’t well written, just because every other word is a fancy adjective doesn’t make it good writing.
7. All the rules Meyer sets for being a vampire are broken by the end of the series.
8. Not only that, she breaks rules set by more esteemed authors.
9. The world population will come to an end because all girls who read this book will think they are Bella and will wait for their Edward to come until they are old. And he’ll never come.
10. Bella almost dies fifty thousand times, but Edward always saves her. This is boring.
11. Edward is too perfect and has no flaws either. Even vampires should have flaws besides wanting to suck human blood because it’s natural to them.
12. The reason the books became so popular is because Bella has no personality and any loser can put themselves in her shoes.
13. If Bella is so ‘plain’, why do so many guys fall for her within the first ...what ... 60 seconds of meeting her?

the Twilight "saga"

Ssingle handedly setting feminism back 100 years, insulting literature, and turning 13 year old girls bat-shit insane in one convenient package!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

What you do is not who you are ...

So I keep trying to remind myself that my job is not who I am.  My job you see is very stressful and can make me become someone I don't always like.  I have been short tempered, rude and snippy with people who's only problem is that they need my help.

Sigh ... back to work now ...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Do you smell that son? It smells like ... Stupid!

On behalf of normal, intelligent, non-mouth breathing Canadians, who's parentage is an identifiable quantity, who's gene pool has both depth and diversity, I would like to take this moment and speak out on what seems to be a growing issue today.

This issue, gentle reader is nothing more frightening than the insidious, creeping stupid.  This disease seems to impact 1 in 5 Canadians, with estimates being higher is some areas.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter! Don't like it? Screw You!

Happy Easter!

OK ...
If your a Druid or a Pagan ... Happy Solstice!

If your A Christian ... Blessed Easter!

If your an Athiest ... Why aren't you at work?  You have no belief system, therefore you have no need of a day off.

For that matter, most people don't need the day off.  They don't celebrate, or respect any tradition.  So SCREW YOU!  Get back to work!  I choose to have the day off.  In fact I chose to have the entire weekend off.  I may have to go in to work in the morning and get things done in a damned big hurry, but it sure isn't happening today!  If it come that easter is no longer a holiday, then I will choose to exercise my rights to take a holiday.
It matters to me.  The Easter holiday matters to me.

Don't like it?


I have fucking had it with having to observe everyone else's holidays, but not my own.  My belief's arn't important?  Why?  Because I am White?  Have a Job? Pay Taxes?  FUCK YOU!

You intolerant fucks are why the fucking white supremacist movement is gaining strength!  You disrespect us, then get all pissy and whiny about not getting your religious beliefs respected.

Your damned right I am pissed off!

I am not some second class citizen!  I am so fucking tired of being treated like an annoyance my anyone who is not white.  Fuck you!  I mean it from my heart!  If you can't accept my beliefs, the I don't have to accept yours ... and I will disrespect you with EXTREME FUCKING PREJUDICE!

Think I am kidding?  Try me!  I am just pissed off enought these days to seriously ruin someone's life.

I've earned a little respect you lazy ass welfare addicts.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ashes to Ashes

Lets fire up the Quattro ...

The Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams
Eddy Grant - Electric Avenue
 New Order - Blue Monday
Queen - Under Pressure 
 Katrina and the Waves - Walking on Sunshine
The Police - Every Breathe You Take 

And a personal Favorite ....

Murry Head - One Night in Bangkok 

I don't know what it is, but honestly I love British music from the 80's.  Don't get me wrong, Canada made excellent music during the 80's ... but music from Britain seems to have in many ways been more enduring.
OK .. so there is Starship - Built this City for example.  Time tested and enduring!  Love it!  But that's not what I am talking about here.  I mean BritPop ... that stuck in my head a lot!

Screw it!  I am going to call my best half and have a chat.  Ta you daft buggers!

LIfe on Mars

David Bowie is a freaking genius.  No questions.  Life on Mars has been described as "a cross between a Broadway Musical and a Salvador Dali Painting".

Works for me.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Useful Freeware

The Automated and Most Efficient Defragmenter

What a good tool!
"Smart Defrag doesn’t just use simple defragmentation. It also streamlines your file system, places the frequently used files and directories into the fastest area of the disk, enabling your computer to run at top speed with the most stability."
I've been running it on my machine now for three weeks and there is a noticeable system improvement without there being a complete drop in system response time.  I play Command and Conquer Generals while it is running and I have never noticed a lag issue.

That's me on a soapbox ... sorta ... I only have to do this on my Windoze box linux box doesn't have those issues.