Thursday, March 25, 2010

Screw You!

I've been more than a tad busy of late ... sorry about that. I guess you gound say that I wandered off the trail and couldn't find my way back for a while.


Ahhh ..... that feels better ... here have this to put it in perspective!

Had a moment the other day about some serious thoughts about some important lessons that have been taught to me over the years, and how I misunderstood some of them.  Weird.  Just when you think you get it ... you get it again.

Oh well ... as Robotman says to me oh so often ... "How's your plane ride?"

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the plane ride! I suppose we should have a fun time of it since it will only happen once. And I can see the fuel discharging ever faster as the Alps get ever closer. Is that the Matterhorn? And did you know that Black Boxes are actually bright orange? Nothing rhymes with orange.
