Monday, March 8, 2010

Pardon my Language

Why is it that the world today has become so tolerant of the poor practice of the use of profanity in everyday speech? I myself fall victim to this reprehensible bad habit FAR to often!

Profanity is the common crutch of the conversational cripple.
--David Keuck

I mean how massive is that! Seriously? Instead of telling someone to "F*&K Off and Die!" why not something way more classy and inspirational like:

"Go ye forth into the world and multiply, oh Infidel! Then may you perish upon the graves of your ancestors!"

I mean really! Doesn't that sound WAY cooler? I mean even the everyday use of English is being interjected with the common abbreviations of the internet and the "slacker culture".

This is to no way to demean the slacker culture, I mean with out slackers and wastrels, how would we have anyone to pick on and ridicule in the 'Politically Correct Future' that we have created? Thanks to the Canadian Charter of Wants and Gimmies .. I MEAN CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS ... we live in a world where the good of the one out weights the good of the many. Were the demands of the vocal minority have more sway than the silent majority.

Wow! What a way to meander! I suppose a 16oz Rum and Coke with a nice twist of lime was sort of a bad way to start a blog ... or maybe a really good one!

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