Thursday, March 11, 2010

Putting things back into focus ...

I was so close to writing a blast about Apple's lawsuit against HTC ... then I saw that Corey Haim passed away. I read some of the posts about his death, and read about his battle against addiction.

Addiction is something that I have a painful history with. I know what it's like to have something be your master.

To be a slave was one of the most humiliating and denigrating experience in my life.

I remember waking up and begging God to kill me already, because I wanted to be free of my life of servitude.

People have told me that I did it myself, that I just had enough and wanted to quit, but I tell you that there was no way I was going to be free under my own power. I was so addicted that I was willing to do what ever it took to get my next. Then, I stopped cold turkey. It's not possible from what I understand. You are supposed to have some physical impact. I had no impact.


To me, that has always been proof of a benevolent God.

I damaged many friendships, torpedoed a couple of relationships, and destroyed trust that had been built over many, many years. When I quit, and was free, I had many apologies to make, and surprisingly (at least to me) many people took it all in stride and were please to have the "Old Me" back.

I always thought that the "New Me" was way better than the old one, because I believe that the old me, well, he's dead in a ditch.

Good riddance.

Anyway, like I said in the beginning, I hope that Corey Haim has finally found some peace.

Less Maudlin tomorrow OK :)

1 comment:

  1. I hear you man. As a former alcoholic myself, I can sympathize with you. Life's lessons need to be learned, not forgotten. I'm glad you've found strength. Also... ZIP ZOP ZOOBITY BOP!
