Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oh come on now ... Really???

What a great attitude to be going into the Easter weekend with!

I am so sick of people who can't handle something so basic that even canned cling peaches would grasp the concept!  I am so tired of people who are so inept that the things that seem to me as the most basic things in the world are completely lost on them!

Sigh ... I hate being so stressed out.  It hurts me and pisses me off even more.  I am so stressed it becomes a perpetual motion type issue.  It feeds itself and the flames go higher and higher.

Who am I to lambaste anyone?  Who am I to accuse anyone?  I read once that it was better to just let it go .. it doesn't matter .. not really in the long run.

I hate my life some days so much ... I would love to walk out of my job sometimes and just disappear.  I could do it ... I am capable of disappearing.  It wouldn't be fun, but I could do it.  I have done it before.

Maybe it's time again.  Time to move on ...

There's a voice that keeps on calling me Down the road, that's where I'll always be.
Every stop I make, I make a new friend, Can't stay for long, just turn around and I'm gone again

Maybe tomorrow, I'll want to settle down, Until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on.

Down this road that never seems to end, Where new adventure lies just around the bend.
So if you want to drive me for a while, Just grab your hat, come travel light, that's hobo style.

Maybe tomorrow I'll want to settle down, Until tomorrow, the whole world is my home.

So if you want to join me for a while, Just grab your hat, come travel light, that's hobo style

Maybe tomorrow, I'll want to settle down, Until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on.

There's a world that's waiting to unfold, A brand new tale no-one has ever told.  We've journeyed far far and know it wont be long; We're almost there, and we've paid our fare with our hobo song.

Maybe tomorrow, I'll want to settle down, Until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on.

So if you want to join me for a while, Just grab your hat, come travel light, that's hobo style.

Maybe tomorrow, I'll find what I call home, Until tomorrow, you know I'm free

I suspect you'll get it .. at least you should.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Screw You!

I've been more than a tad busy of late ... sorry about that. I guess you gound say that I wandered off the trail and couldn't find my way back for a while.


Ahhh ..... that feels better ... here have this to put it in perspective!

Had a moment the other day about some serious thoughts about some important lessons that have been taught to me over the years, and how I misunderstood some of them.  Weird.  Just when you think you get it ... you get it again.

Oh well ... as Robotman says to me oh so often ... "How's your plane ride?"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Putting things back into focus ...

I was so close to writing a blast about Apple's lawsuit against HTC ... then I saw that Corey Haim passed away. I read some of the posts about his death, and read about his battle against addiction.

Addiction is something that I have a painful history with. I know what it's like to have something be your master.

To be a slave was one of the most humiliating and denigrating experience in my life.

I remember waking up and begging God to kill me already, because I wanted to be free of my life of servitude.

People have told me that I did it myself, that I just had enough and wanted to quit, but I tell you that there was no way I was going to be free under my own power. I was so addicted that I was willing to do what ever it took to get my next. Then, I stopped cold turkey. It's not possible from what I understand. You are supposed to have some physical impact. I had no impact.


To me, that has always been proof of a benevolent God.

I damaged many friendships, torpedoed a couple of relationships, and destroyed trust that had been built over many, many years. When I quit, and was free, I had many apologies to make, and surprisingly (at least to me) many people took it all in stride and were please to have the "Old Me" back.

I always thought that the "New Me" was way better than the old one, because I believe that the old me, well, he's dead in a ditch.

Good riddance.

Anyway, like I said in the beginning, I hope that Corey Haim has finally found some peace.

Less Maudlin tomorrow OK :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What a bunch of Hypocritical Crap!

Ontario condemns dissent at universities

You bunch of hypocrites! I don't really have a problem with the fact that as Canadians, we protest that we have an issue with another nation violating peoples human rights, but when we protest that someone has and "Apartheid Policy" and has put people on a "Bantustan", I think we had better hang our heads and be a little more embarrassed.

Apatheid - A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups
Bantustan - A bantustan (also known as black African homeland or simply homeland) was a territory set aside for black inhabitants of South Africa and South West Africa (now Namibia), as part of the policy of apartheid.

Gee ... that sounds like a great Canadian Institution ... oh yeah ... THE INDIAN RESERVATION!

I am not supporting the fact that Israel has an oppressive attitude against the Palestinians, nor do I believe that any policy that subverts the basic human rights can be tolerated by good men but before we stand up and start pointing fingers, we should make sure that someone can't point them right back.

Now before I hear the "Thomas Jefferson" defense, I want people to understand there is NO defense for Canadian History. Israel's been doing this for 50 years, while being surrounded by hostile nations. How long has the reservation been here in Canada? 100+ years? Are we surrounded by hostile nations who claim the First Nations as political prisoners?

How dare we point the finger of blame at a nation under siege for doing what they do when we have been doing it far longer, just quieter.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Pardon my Language

Why is it that the world today has become so tolerant of the poor practice of the use of profanity in everyday speech? I myself fall victim to this reprehensible bad habit FAR to often!

Profanity is the common crutch of the conversational cripple.
--David Keuck

I mean how massive is that! Seriously? Instead of telling someone to "F*&K Off and Die!" why not something way more classy and inspirational like:

"Go ye forth into the world and multiply, oh Infidel! Then may you perish upon the graves of your ancestors!"

I mean really! Doesn't that sound WAY cooler? I mean even the everyday use of English is being interjected with the common abbreviations of the internet and the "slacker culture".

This is to no way to demean the slacker culture, I mean with out slackers and wastrels, how would we have anyone to pick on and ridicule in the 'Politically Correct Future' that we have created? Thanks to the Canadian Charter of Wants and Gimmies .. I MEAN CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS ... we live in a world where the good of the one out weights the good of the many. Were the demands of the vocal minority have more sway than the silent majority.

Wow! What a way to meander! I suppose a 16oz Rum and Coke with a nice twist of lime was sort of a bad way to start a blog ... or maybe a really good one!