Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Month away ... on a less than ideal mental break

Sorry about the silence.

It's been a mentally trying time for the last month.  I short circuited upstairs pretty badly.  It was gross.  Robotman can attest to it, as he watched it happen. 

U.G.L.Y. doesn't even cover it.  I pretty much shut down and disappeared mentally.  Scared a couple of people, but unfortunately, not the right one's.  Work doesn't seem to understand that there might, just might be an issue.  I guess the "stick your head in the sand and pretend it isn't happening" mentality is endemic in the Oil and Gas sector of the workplace.

But I'm back (na na nah nah) with some brand new tricks, so furry  related posts, and links, and pictures ... nothing to offend, just going to be a little more me.  Some music blogs, some software blogs, and some nonsense blogs!

Thanks for coming out and remember, lets be careful out there.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm... yes... quite.

    May was a nasty month for you and me both Uncle Furry. Let's leave it at that. ;)

