Monday, June 14, 2010

Douchbaggery ... Epic Douchebaggery!!!

SO!  The Douchebaggery has once again attained EPIC levels!  I really can't quite understand how it works.I have never worked in such a poorly managed environment.  I don't get it!  Blows my mind!

Fuck it!

Better thoughts for the rest of the night! 

I don't know how many of you know that I came out of the closet and announced to the world that I am a furry.  Many  people didn't and still don't understand what that means.  It's OK .... it took me years to understand.  I am wired a little different that the "Normal" people.  It's not that I am some kind of deviant, but that I look at life a lot differently that you might.  I just think that a natural coat of fur, muzzle, tail, mane of fur, and almond shaped eyes are really really attractive.  It doesn't alter my faith, nor does it make me a bi-sexual although a great many of my community are, nor does it make me a "freak".  I just want to find someone who has my faith, AND understand being furry.

I have a girlfriend, and she's great.  BUT as with all my relationships, distance and faith are starting to play a damaging part in the relationship. 

I hate that.

Distance always plays such a damaging part in anyone's relationship.  What's worse is that is compounds issues that may have been small, but are now growing.  I hate that. I'm on the phone with her, and as much as I would like to say "We need to step back", it isn't right.

Differences in faith are the worst.  I don't just mean "She's Anglican and I am Roman Catholic"  I mean my fundamental belief system is different from belief system.  It's a strain that is unpleasant to deal with.

Now add personality flaws.  I have more baggage than Samsonite!  I mean it!  I have commitment issues (Thanks Dad!), trust issues (Thanks Paulla), intimacy issues ( again Thank You Paulla).  Also I am a Dog.  I mean it.  In my furry persona, I am a canine.  Thats good in that I am loyal, but it's bad in that I am not really as monogamous as I would like to be.  NO!  I have not cheated on her!  That's not the point!  The problem is, I am easily tempted.  I have not cheated.  I am not a bastard, but it's more of a case that if I was put into the situation OF cheating ... I honestly don't know what I would do.

Sigh ...
Douchebaggery .... Thy name is Goose.

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