Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Strange voices in my head

SO ... once again the little voice in my head went off and I drove across town to work to find that once again, the alarm system couldn't be set because the "Over Head Door #2" was not engaging and the alarm could be set.

No one calls ... there is no note ... nada.  I really have to talk to the janitors about this.  

My real question is, where is the insistent little voice that plays in my head coming into play for a job I don't really like and why at 11 o'clock at night am I having this happen?

I mean I am obedient to the Voice.  I hear the call and I answer.  I spent many years running from the Voice, but this is getting weird.

I mean really ... why am I driving at 11 at night to a company who I really don't want to be working for anymore to save them anything?  

Maybe the Voice wants more from me again ...

Maybe it's really just time to move on.  I don't know.  I just know that the Voice is getting louder again.  It's more persuasive and more straight forward.  

Not so much as a whisper ... more of an insistent call.  

Not like your Mom calling you to supper, but more like a scent on the wind.  You can smell the food cooking, you can smell the birch burning, you can smell the jack pine and the moss.  You can hear the voices of the people you know and love.  You know it's out there, even if you haven't found it yet.

I'm losing my mind ....